Welcome to the Office for Parish Vitality and Mission Advancement

“As faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to build up the people of God in the diocese of Springfield in Illinois in holiness and joy through works of love. We have established this website page in order to:

  • Keep alive the discipleship and stewardship message in our diocese by promoting the spirituality of stewardship, evangelization, and conversion.
  • Helps pastors and lay leaders articulate the discipleship and stewardship message by providing training and ongoing formation for implementing the Diocesan Synod.
  • Provides individuals with spiritual resources that will enable them to grow further in their relationship to Jesus through prayer, service, and giving.
  • Provides an opportunity for Parishes to share, network, and gather new ideas on how to encourage discipleship and stewardship activities within their parish community.

We welcome your questions, thoughts, ideas and concerns. We are here to serve.

By letting the love of God, received in the Eucharist, flow through us in our care for others, we provide a light for others to see. When we leave the church after having received Holy Communion, we go to a world that is full of darkness. We encounter people who are struggling with the crosses of life in the forms of physical suffering, emotional anguish, or spiritual desolation. They can be tempted to follow the example of Judas and give in to despair. We have the opportunity to bring them the light of Christ and so encourage them to have hope in the midst of their trials and to trust in faith that the God who loves them has not abandoned them.

In order to implement the Diocesan Synod declarations, the diocese has formed a Core Committee on Discipleship and Stewardship. This committee consists of representatives from a variety of parishes and provides the diocesan office strategic guidance and advice on parish implementation.

Vision Statement

A diocese in which everyone purposefully lives out the call to be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Mission Statement

The Core S & D Committee will engage, encourage, excite, educate, and evangelize the People of God within our diocese to form Intentional Disciples.

For more information on the Core Committee, please reach out to Katie Price at [email protected].

Join the Discipleship and Stewardship Newsletter today!

Anyone, from priest to pews, can sign up to receive the monthly newsletter. Each month you will have access to articles, resources, media, and graphics that will help share the message of discipleship and enhance your own journey!

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Have questions or comments? Let us know!


Katie Price

(217) 698-8500 ext. 121

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